The Action Principles<SUP>®</SUP>

In a society increasing weakened by an entitlement mentality, you can choose to make a difference by living and promoting the Action Principles® philosophy of self-improvement, self-reliance and service to others. The Action Principles® and the Action Principles® Plan can help to fill a void. They show that there is a proper way to act and a realistic approach to making a comfortable living.

These books are pocket-sized. You can carry one in a purse or briefcase or put one in a desk draw or glove compartment. Keep one on a nightstand and begin the habit of ending the day and waking up to a positive thought. In the midst of the chaos of modern life, your little book will be there to calmly bring you back to center as you stay focused on your personal mission of living a full life of purpose, passion, prosperity and peace.

And, as an example, a person of respect, you become the teacher.

If you had responsible adults in your life; relatives, teachers, clergy, coaches who taught you positive values and a strong work ethic, you were blessed. You made mistakes or acted inappropriately. Someone cared. Someone was interested enough in your development to guide you back from wrong to right. Everyone is not so fortunate to have a supportive upbringing. Some people grew up in dysfunctional families where there are few role models. Others were reared in what may seem like privilege but were actually coddled into weakness and dependency. You cannot change others but you can show another that someone cares.

So, buy books for yourself and consider buying books as gifts.

In purchasing books, you support our non-profit educational work. Each book is $20 and is personally signed by Bill.

Two books [signed and dedicated by Bill]

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