Who Should Enroll In The American Success Institute?

Does the Action Principles® Plan speak to you? Is this the type of guidance and encouragement that you have been waiting for? Do you believe in your own abilities to complete the plan?

If your answers are yes, then, enroll.

In the midst of the turmoil of modern life, it is easy to get distracted. If you can stay focused and work the Action Principles® Plan, the odds for your success are overwhelming.

Buy six properties, pay off the mortgages and position yourself to retire young while creating a family dynasty of wealth that can last forever.
If that plan sounds like your plan, enroll.


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As an Action Principles® Champion, you are a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action. You are optimistic. You are a hard worker. You. You are far from average. The odds are high that you don't need more generalized, expensive classroom education watered down for apathetic, average students.

$100,000 for college; $150,000 for law school or a graduate business degree. Why?


The argument is that college graduates do better economically than students who don't go to college. That's probably right because the smarter and more dedicated students tend to go to college. But, suppose these smarter and more dedicated students took their $100,000 tuitions and put that money to work in real estate or into their own business?

How many unemployed or underemployed college grads would love to have their tuition back and a chance to use that money as down payments for their properties - maybe down payments enough to buy all six!

If your career objective is to be an accountant or dentist or engineer, you have no choice but the formal education route. But, if your objective is to make money and achieve financial independence, you have your Action Principles® Plan. This plan should make your rich and able to retire in twenty years, maybe sooner. A plan giving you the resources to develop your special talent and allow you to spend quality time with your family and friends.


And, this plan, your success, is not subject to the whims of some self-involved company executive or some temporary economic fluctuations or your one-in-a-million chance of inventing a killer phone app.

This plan depends on:

  1. You're willingness to study and work hard.
  2. You're having the courage to act.

Read the plan. Read the plan again. Read an Action Principle® every day. Then commit and take action.

You don't need anybody or anything else. You have you and you have your Action Principles® Plan. Let others walk in circles, directionless, complaining and waiting for instructions. Ignore them. You have goals. You have a plan.


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Rise to the elite level of your profession. Or, run a successful small business. Or, become a commissioned salesperson. Then, invest in real estate. Buy six properties and love your tenants.

No excuses. If you want it, go for it. The American Success Institute will offer the guidance and encouragement.

You need that satori moment. Satori is that flash of inspiration when in one single moment everything becomes clear.

Stop and think.


60% of people own a home. Why can't you do six times what the average person does once? You can. Think about your parents or grandparents. Did they buy a home? Was this the smartest financial decision they made? Can you do the same? You can. And, with your knowledge and experience, you can repeat and repeat.

Think about what your life would have been had your parents or grandparents known about and enacted the Action Principles® Plan. Would you be smiling as you collect the rents? Oh yeah! Now, what are you ready, willing and able to do for your children and grandchildren?

More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. This is a fact. More millionaires have become so from real estate investing than any other way. This is a fact. Throughout history, in all countries, it is the rich people who own or control the real estate. Who or what is stopping you?


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Most people dread inflation. As a real estate investor, you'll love it. You buy today and as prices rise, you repay your fixed rate debt with cheaper dollars. For you, it's win/win. Do a little research. Have prices risen, the last hundred, fifty, twenty, ten years? Yes. Will this change in the future? No. Buy your six properties and love inflation.

A large percentage of the population is comprised of tenants who will always be tenants. On average, these tenants spend 1/3 to ½ of their entire paycheck on rent. All of this rent money, 1/3 to ½ of their paycheck, comes to you as a landlord. Or, for any number of reasons, some people can't afford to pay rent, so the government supports them. OK, a lot of this government money comes to you.

Being a responsible real estate investor, you will be doing a lot for yourself and your family. You can also do a lot for your community. You can make a commitment to set a high standard for providing quality, energy conscious housing. Great family business - jobs for everyone.



  • Are you a hard working person of action?
  • Are you willing to learn and apply what you learn?
  • Are you capable of independent thinking and action?
  • Are you self-confident?
  • Are you ambitious?
  • Can you get along with others?
  • Do you want to retire young?
  • Do you want to create a family dynasty of wealth?

If you can check off these boxes, then, what are you waiting for? Why not you? Do you want it all? You bet! Get your name on the enrollment notification list.


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The American Success Institute will endeavor to provide continuing courses, videos, forums, and a blog to keep you motivated and focused and on the path to completion of your Action Principles® Plan.

The courses will provide you with the foundation you need to understand business and your career advancement:

  • Master Success Course
  • Master Real Estate Course
  • Master Small Business Course I
  • Master Small Business Course II
  • Master Small Business Course III
  • Master Self-Defense

Each week, there will be five or more blog articles posted to further develop, update and continue your journey to purpose, passion, prosperity and peace:

  • Real estate
  • Business and Careers
  • Self Defense and Health
  • Personal Development
  • Mastery

For example, in the real estate blog posts, Bill will address both fundamental and advanced real estate themes.

The real estate fundamentals will cover acquisition, financing, management and marketing.

The advanced themes will present strategies for topics, such as upgrading, conversion, buy/sell [flipping], assemblage, sub-division and development. The advanced themes will also cover the range of real estate investment possibilities: residential, commercial, office, industrial and vacation properties.

The forums will frame our community. The various forums will give you the opportunity to exchange your insights and ideas with other students who are pursing the same goal of completing the Action Principles® Plan.

Bottom line - As an active investor and American Success Institute student, you should expect to become an expert on real estate. You should expect to know the steps you should be taking to advance your career. You should expect to find ways to ensure that your personal relationships are more gratifying.


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How much is the tuition?

The investment is $83 per month managed through PayPal. If you take full advantage of the courses, videos, blogs and forums, then the educational investment is a bargain with full access to the extensive educational materials and the continuing updates.

Remember that this is about your career advancement, acquiring and managing real estate. Consider that one successful negotiation strategy or one mistake avoided can equal years of the tuition investment.

Think of the investment/reward of completing your Action Principles® Plan. The only negative would be to enroll and then not utilize the information.

It is a cliché but $83 is the same monthly amount that many people spend on coffee and soda.

If you are on the fence, read the plan again before committing.
But, if you are all in, you'll definitely want to enroll.
You decide how you will achieve financial independence for yourself and those you love.

Do I have to sign a contract or make a long-term commitment?

There are no contracts or commitments but there is a guarantee from the American Success institute.

The American Success Institute team works hard to bring you news, tips, tricks and techniques you can apply daily to advance toward your career, investment and personal goals. The American Success Institute has a 100%, no questions-asked guarantee that you'll find great information and tools to help you complete your personal Action Principles® Plan. If you don't find the enrollment is working for you, simply email us and we'll refund your current monthly payment. There's no risk.

Reserve your spot on the inaugural sign-up list today! We will email you when the Institute is ready to launch. Anticipated Start Date - Spring, 2015.


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I'd like my son to work on the plan but he doesn't seem that motivated. Should I sign him up anyway?

If you are motivated, you should be the student. You can start buying investment property and set the example for him. Maybe, that will work. Otherwise, as the old saying goes, “you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.”

The Action Principles® Plan is not for everyone and, unfortunately, at least for now that may include your son.

I am that underemployed person who graduated with a degree in communications and $21,000 in debt. I'm in a financial hole and wouldn't spending another thousand dollars next year on tuition for the American Success institute just dig me in deeper?

You might think that and you might be right.

Or, you might think that the Action Principles® Plan is your ladder out of the hole and up to your personal success.

Are you willing to work an extra two hours a day or an extra day per week? If so, you will be out of debt in short order and building your investment war chest. Combining your hard work and commitment with the guidance and motivation of ASI behind you, in the near future, you will be able look back and know that you never have to look back again.


Is a membership in ASI all I need?

Education is a continuing lifelong adventure of discovery.

ASI is one tool, an important tool guiding you, showing you, and pointing you toward your clearly defined goals.

However, as a thoughtful person of action, you will be constantly seeking knowledge.

ASI is a component. ASI will also guide you to look to articles, books, websites and trade papers.

ASI will encourage your to expand and solidify your Mastermind Alliance. In real estate, you will study and learn from your fellow investors, from real estate agents, from bankers, from government officials, from contractors.

Always doing. Always learning. This is who you are or will become.

My brother and I are both interested in the Action Principles® Plan. Should we enroll separately?

Two students are permitted under one membership. Husband and wife, mother and daughter or two brothers or two co-workers can enroll jointly and share a single membership. So, find a friend and share the tuition investment.

How often are updates made to the ASI site?

New materials and updates will be made weekdays and some weekends. Students will always have new ideas and strategies to consider, adapt and put to immediate use. Students will receive email notifications as material is added.

When was ASI founded?

Founded over twenty years ago by business writer and martial arts master Bill FitzPatrick, The American Success Institute [ASI] is a non-profit educational organization fostering positive values primarily through the publication of motivational books and the teaching of entrepreneurship. Our website is Success.org.


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I love the idea of being financially independent but not particularly of being a landlord. Actually, I'd love to open a restaurant! Is the plan and ASI for me?

To open your own restaurant, you'll need money. You'll have money. You love the restaurant business so work your extra 20% in the restaurant business and it won't even seem like you're working hard. Use your extra income to fund your real estate investment program.

Now, here may be the best part, the win/win part. Rather than paying a commercial landlord rent, your goal will be to acquire the strip center or pad site and pay rent to yourself. Yes, win/win.

Can you make a real estate investment business owning commercial real estate and leasing to restaurants? Yes, lots of real estate companies specialize in the food and hospitality industries. Why not you?

Yes, if you are a lawyer or accountant or physician or software engineer own the office building. If you are a jeweler or hair stylist or bodega owner, own your stores.

Make yourself rich. Enroll in ASI and we'll be discussing these topics.

What is ASI's mission?

The foundation of our teaching can be found in the Action Principles® and now the Action Principles® Plan.

The Action Principles® have been translated into over 20 languages. A printed edition of this book has been published in Korea.

The last six American presidents as well as the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff, members of the Supreme Court and many leaders in government, religion, business, sports and entertainment have written Action Principles® for the Action Principles® Leadership Project. Action Principles® is a registered trademark of the American Success institute.

Students have access to the ASI library and courses.

How should I get started?

Blow away your contemporaries by committing to work an extra 20%. Start building your investment funds.

Whether you are a stock clerk at Wal-Mart, a barista, a truck driver, a young attorney or a hair stylist, figure out your next career move. Figure out how, why and when you'll step up.

Choose your real estate investment area of 25,000. Go to every open house. Online, begin to study historic and current sales data. Start making connections with the real estate investors, real estate agents and the business and political community leaders in your small, specific investment area.

If you feel ready, enroll in ASI.


Nearing retirement, I've been thinking on how best to fill my time. I came across the Action Principles® Plan and I'm intrigued. What impediments should I be aware of as a senior citizen?

Any impediments would be self-imposed. See your experience as an advantage. Be tough, confident and willing to face challenges with a positive attitude and you will be on the short course to plan completion.

What can't you do? If you are ready, willing and able to work hard, research, make offers and get along with different types of people, you have the success tools.

Imagine what you can choose to do. Build a family dynasty. Then, perhaps you would like to specialize in owning and leasing units for the 55+ market or become a public policy expert on senior housing. You will be in control, deciding for yourself what you can and will do.

If you are physically disabled, if you have declared bankruptcy, if you were from a dysfunctional family or you are someone who has made mistake after mistake, congratulations; you're human. Now, let's get going. You have the Action Principles® Plan. Look forward.


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