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9. Take Back Control

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Success is not a mountain to be climbed but a plateau upon which you will walk. You are on a lifelong journey of self-improvement. You will not be afraid to build upon and defend your values. This tough attitude will make you a better employee, better business owner, or better investor. You'll be better all the time at all aspects of your career. You naturally rise to the elite level of whatever endeavors you choose. Your charisma will encourage others to see you as a leader.

If, each day, you've thought about who you are, where you are and how you can become a better person, you will find prosperity beyond your expectations. Your manner will be self-confident. Your attitude will be positive. Your body will be strong. Your mind will be calm. Your fears will be few. If, each day, your focus at home, work, play and in the community has been on helping others, you will find peace beyond your expectations. Those who raised you will be proud of you. Your guidance will be remembered and your leadership sought. Your personal encounters will be joyful and your friendships many. Your value to society will be great. Believe in the power of always trying to lead an exemplary life.

How do you know if you have what it takes? Are you tired of hearing the incessant laments of the privileged malcontents of your generation? Then, do something. Are you concerned that too many of your academic classes are being taught by the bored to the bored and are of little value? Then, do something. Are you sensing that you are mired in a dead end career? Then, do something. Do something. Take back control of your life. Let this be your moment. Now is your time. There is no other.

The Action Principles® Plan is not for everyone. However, if you feel the calling, accept the challenge.


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