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Divide and Conquer - Action Principle® #2

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This is Action Principle #2 - Divide and Conquer -

As Action Principle Champions -

We aren't average -

we think BIG

Take each BIG goal and divide it into a series of manageable steps -

White belt to black belt - there are10 steps,

white, orange, purple, blue, blue with a green stripe, green, green with a brown stipe, three degrees of brown and you are ready to test for your black belt

You want to become a Hollywood agent - you start in the mail room - you observe and you go for coffee - you listen - you learn and move up

You want to become a multi-millionaire in real estate - you need six properties - you buy one - fix it up - flip it - buy two - keep one - flip one - in a short period of time - you have 6

You want to run a marathon - week one - you WALK around the block, week two - you RUN around the block - week three - you run around TWO blocks - then, you join a track club - then you run five miles and then ten and on to 26.1

You are a person committed to action - step by step by step - you divide and you conquer.

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Divide and Conquer - Action Principle® #2

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