Self-defense is not about fighting. Fighting is always the last resort. You are a peaceful person living in the real world. In the real world, violent crime happens. You don't get to choose what bad things may happen. If confronted, you want to be prepared to do all that you can do to end the violence quickly with minimal personal impact. Restore your personal peace. As a martial arts master, I certainly advocate the study of the martial arts to anyone interested in physical and mental fitness and self-defense. Martial artists are disciplined with a confidence honed from dedicated study, rigorous practice and realistic testing. Are you willing to accept responsibility for your own safety and for those in your charge? Are you and they worth saving? Say, "Yes." Even without formalized training, if you follow these Action Principles®, as an independent woman, senior or kid you will recognize your capability to put up a strong defense. Self-defense is ninety percent mental and maybe ten percent physical technique. Embrace a survival instinct. If trouble happens, you are prepared to take appropriate action, which could be to flee or to fight. Physically, you can refuse to go down easily. Psychologically, you can refuse to be victimized. A lot of self-defense is common sense. Property is replaceable. Give it up. If you can talk, talk. If you can avoid a confrontation by ducking into a store or hailing a cab, do that. It is best to walk away because even if you prevail in a physical alteration, you may end up banged, bruised, injured or worse. Fair fighting is for sports. If you do fight, it must be "all in" which means punching, kicking, gouging, biting and using all weapons, standard or improvised. If you must fight, fight with speed, surprise and aggression. If you are cornered, you may have to put your assailant in enough pain that he worries more about his own survival than continuing to hurt you. Create your opening and escape. Are you prepared to do this? Say, "No" and you are at a severe disadvantage. Say, "Yes" and you've got a chance to survive to tell stories to your grandchildren. Like you, most of the world's people are peaceful people. Most places where people choose to live are peaceful places. Most is not all. In every culture and society, there are a small percentage of bullies and thugs and abusers and rapists and perverts equaling a broad assortment of crazies and common thugs. They would happily take everything from you and do anything to you if it meant the slightest advantage or amusement to them. In all cities and countries, there are bad neighborhoods. You can avoid bad neighborhoods but bad people roam free. Trust your instincts and remain on guard. Remain alert. Vigilance is not paranoia. Remain aware. Awareness is a habit. It is common sense. Think about strategies and options before they may be needed. Know how much you are willing to brush off before you respond with all appropriate means available. You are a thinking person of action. If you must act, you will act. This flips the switch. This fact alone makes you extraordinary and a credible force. This action-oriented mindset makes you dangerous to predators. If predators sense this confidence in you, chances are they will move on to an easier target. These Self-Defense Action Principles® are a good start. If you'd like to learn a lot more, take the Master Self-Defense Course on