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19. Protect Your Identity

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Defend your good name and financial standing. Today we are moving ever closer toward a paperless, tech savvy world where there are cyber-criminals who are ready, willing and able to hijack your reputation and credit history.

With a warrior mindset, you are alert and aware. You are vigilant.

If strangers or shopkeepers or bartenders or waiters look creepy, monitor your payment carefully. Guard your pin number at ATMs. Take your credit card receipts. Protect your trash and shred all old bills and unsolicited credit card offers. Monitor your credit statements and cancel unused credit cards. It's free, so check your credit scores annually.

Be overly protective of your social security number [SSN]. Credit protection agencies only protect you at the credit verification level. Crooks can still use your SSN to obtain driver's licenses, for medical fraud or when arrested. If you shop online, make purchases only from secure sites. Don't carry your SSN with you and never give your SSN to anyone who solicits you over the phone or by email.

Cover your own butt. Keep private information private.

Fighting should be viewed as a path to peace.

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