30. Dealing with Terrorists |
You are not powerless. If you see it, say it.
If it's too late to say something, then do something.
The underwear bomber wanted to take down an airline. It was time for self-defense. Hot coffee was thrown in his face. Then, passengers went into survival mode. Someone tore off the in-air phone, another ripped off the tray table. Others quickly armed themselves with blankets, computers, carry-on bags, pens and pencils. They started smashing. They kept smashing until this suicidal maniac was subdued. The passengers got creative. They got nasty. They survived.
If you sense danger, get ready and always err on the side of self-survival. Think like a mafia don. Know where the exits are and always sit with your back to the wall and your eyes on the front door. Have your weapons close at hand or scan the area for all possible improvised weapons.
Here is how the Secret Service protects the president.
- Sound off and let everyone know of the problem.
- Cover the president.
- Evacuate the area.
- Take out the threat if he or she is within arm's reach.
Warriors don't have to worry if their jobs make a difference.