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Introduction 1 - Master Potential 2 - Master Goals 3 - Master Time 4 - Master Money & Work 5 - Master Small Business 6 - Master Real Estate 7 - Master Health 8 - Master Mind 9 - Master Relationships 10 - Master Life Conclusion |
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Lesson One - Master PotentialOperational Guidelines
![]() Be prepared to set demanding self-imposed rules for your personal conduct. Be prepared to work hard, to sacrifice, to endure and see what lies beyond your comfort zone. Be bold and be ready to forsake the temporary short lived comforts of a soft life for the multiple long term benefits of counting yourself among the top twenty percent who compose the hard driving elite. Never complacent, you are ready, willing, able and anxious to test yourself against the best. You are determined, driven and focused. The success you envision will take an alignment and full commitment of your body, mind and soul. You do it because you don't know any other way. By constantly challenging yourself, you learn how powerful you truly are. For you, middle class thinking and performing were never an option. Regardless of your prior or present circumstance, following the Action Principles®, the foundation of the Master Success System, your life is about to change dramatically for the better. Right now, unburden yourself from the heavy societal weights of victimhood. Immediately upon self-acceptance of your commitment to the Action Principles®, you will feel a tremendous surge of energy and motivation. Self-reliance and self-discipline will empower and sustain you. Your life will be one of personal growth and learning. You live a full, thrilling, passionate life "all in." Others may be content to stand around slack jawed and round shouldered waiting for some higher authority to tell them what to do next. Others may be content to allow circumstance to dictate their futures. This is not you. The apathy and resignation that you see in others motivates you to be very different. You plan and work the plan. You know what you should be doing and that's what you do. It is a willingness to pay the price now; to get off the couch and into the action now. Over time, your hard life will become increasingly easier and the slacker's easy life will become increasingly more difficult. The Power to Choose![]() Your life is formed by your choices. You have the power to choose; to choose good over evil; to choose joy over sadness; to choose a fun-filled life over loneliness; to choose independence over dependency. You can choose prosperity. You can choose healthy living. You can choose your career, your house, your car, and your life partner. You can choose to be a positive role model for your children, employees, neighbors and co-workers. You can choose for yourself or you can allow time and circumstance to choose for you. You have free will. Realize that the power to control comes from the power to choose. Life brings you hundreds and thousands of choices to make. You will make them every day. Be prepared to choose love and self-respect and high achievement and service and inner peace. Find your life's purpose and pursue it with passion. You dream of a bright future while standing firmly in the present. You will achieve prosperity and peace. Beware of the naysayers who tell you otherwise. Accept Personal ResponsibilitiesYour preparation for success is not necessarily about a wall of degrees earned from years of formal education. It could be. But much more important is whether you were a serious student or just taking up space in a succession of meaningless classes. Whether your education is formal or informal doesn't matter as much as your determination to become self-educated. You are responsible for yourself. Your mother and father can't make you educated. Your teachers can't make you educated. You must make yourself educated. You can read and learn anything you want. Go to the library. Go online. Buy an e-book reader. Listen to audio books and podcasts. Take internships. Join associations. Attract mentors. Hang with kindred souls. Start learning and never stop. Make this choice.As a Master of Success, you certainly do not listen to ridiculous theories or the pressure of self-interested groups that want to pigeonhole you into believing that for some reason you are a member of a group that needs special quotas or special handouts to succeed. You don't. Success is not about your ancestry, birth order, gender, family money, creed, color, sexual preference or the movement of the stars. Success is about your personal individual commitment to goal attainment through consistent positive action. Want it. Do it. Do it for yourself and do it for those you love.
Follow the Action Principles®Everything about the Master Success System is based on the Action Principles®. Let the Action Principles® be your guide. Think about each one. You will find that you can use the Action Principles® to succeed at anything - making money, finding inner peace, raising children, finding a life partner, or whatever else you can imagine. The Action Principles® are now yours. The ever expanding Action Principles® Leadership archive is now yours. By committing to the Action Principles®, you will see opportunities abound around you. You will immediately feel successful. Instantly, this will be the powerful new you: a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action! Now, live as this powerful, masterful person from moment to moment for the rest of your life.You will be working hard, taking risks, making mistakes and learning. You will be volunteering and sacrificing and doing more than the average majority around you. Doing more will not be a bother. Doing more will not make you feel put upon and victimized. Doing more will empower you. Doing more will make you happy and fulfilled. Let others grumble as they wait in long lines to be handed a small portion of fish. You go fish. Right now, you can define success based on your own values and beliefs. Make the choice to do more and be more. You don't need anyone's permission. Peace and prosperity and love and fulfillment await your choice. Forget wishing on a star, buying a scratch ticket or tossing coins in a fountain. Make your own dreams come true. Rather than fighting over limited crumbs, a Master of Success thinks in terms of an ever increasing cornucopia of opportunity. Research, consider options and make opportunities. Lead an Extraordinary LifeThe human race has evolved as a direct result of the curiosity, toil and goodness of life's winners. Successful living is not a new concept. The secrets of success aren't hidden. Only the weak and lazy are waiting for the next magical self-help revelation. You already know what to do. The average fifth grader knows what to do. Study. Have a plan. Work hard. Adjust. Repeat.There have always been successful people in every age and from every country. There have always been people of influence and fortune. Every page of history shows us individuals who made decisions to lead extraordinary lives and become generals, politicians, explorers, composers, builders, inventors and merchants. The style, attitude and habits that these people used to succeed are exactly the same that you can use. If someone else has done it before, then you know that it can be done again. Why not by you? Abraham Lincoln was not a character in a novel. He was a real man who changed the world. George Washington existed. He took action. Because he and the other men and women who founded the world's democracies took action, you may be lucky enough to live in a country where you can enjoy incredible prosperity and freedom. Some might say that is in the past and that those sorts of things don't happen anymore. These people are wrong. Right now there are Masters of Success, men and women, young and old, doing things that will change the world. These are things that will bring them more wealth than has ever been possible in the history of mankind. They will help bring peace and happiness to mankind. They represent every race, every creed and every age. Some are born to poverty and others to privilege. Some live in perfect health while others by birth or accident are physically challenged. Some emerge from supportive, loving environments while others have had to fend for themselves. All have decided to live their lives as tough, compassionate people of action. On the journey to peace and prosperity, they have committed themselves to self-improvement and service to others. This is the good life. Theirs will be proud, meaningful lives. As a Master of Success, your life has the potential to be as extraordinary. If you have had an easy life and have had everything handed to you and seen everything always go your way, you are at a disadvantage. You may have to be diligent in your efforts to overcome the well meaning pampering of your parents and teachers. Your spirit may be soft. Your ability to fully appreciate the small joys and victories of daily life may have been taken from you. If you have had to work hard and struggle and put up with a few unpleasant things, you may be better prepared to meet the challenges and enjoy the blessings ahead. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, there are some circumstances about your birth over which you never had a choice. Be grateful for the good and toughen up against the rest. However, should you be lazy, unfocused, dependent, anti-intellectual, selfish or resistant to change, you are choosing to fail. Blame no one but yourself. You will fail.
Opportunities AboundThe naysayers around you generally promote a self-serving agenda of gloom. As self-described casualties of economic forces beyond their control, the weak and lazy can justify inactivity while evoking sympathy among each other.In stark contrast, for Masters of Success blessed with a warrior's work ethic, there has never been a time with more opportunity than there is today. This holds true regardless of where you are or what the economy is doing. Right now businesses have access to better technology, more information and greater markets than they have had at any other time. Consumers have more purchasing power to spend on the products and services being provided by the millions of new businesses being started each year. At the same time those products create new opportunities for millions of new businesses by providing affordable tools that the millionaires of the future can use to make their dreams realities. It is possible that you, the person reading this sentence right now, could be one of the people who will take advantage of these incredible opportunities and help build a better life and a better world. You can make the choice to accept the Action Principles® and live the Master Success System.
Too many people look at where they are and imagine that this is where they must always be. They feel somehow trapped by the status quo. They look at the people who have what they want and think that those people were somehow lucky or blessed. This overlooks all of the things that people have overcome to be where they are. If you look at the rich you may admire all the exterior trappings of their wealth. You cannot see the rocky path they may have walked to arrive at financial success. If you could look inside their hearts and minds, you might be surprised to find the many obstacles they have overcome. Perhaps there were obstacles far greater than you face. You might also be surprised to discover that despite all they overcame they succeeded using simple, practical principles. Remember that it's not where you start that counts but the joys you experience along the path. If you say that you can't do it, the world will believe you. If you say that you can do it, the world will await the proof.
Meet the ChallengesA fulfilled life does not come from being born with a silver spoon in your mouth or from enrollment in exclusive schools but rather from a strong personal commitment to setting goals and then taking decisive action every day to achieve them. Study and keep studying. Read a book that leads to the next book. Ask a question that leads to the next question. All education is self-education. Start today. Never stop.What makes those who achieve greatness excel isn't necessarily extraordinary talent or brains or aptitude but rather the fact that they are willing to go out and do something with what they have got. It is attitude. It is focused action. It is rejecting mediocrity and apathy at all times and in all forms.
The Master's LevelRebel against any conventional thinking telling you to wait in line and lower your expectations. Step up. You are not alone. There are masters all around you. They are ministers and sculptors and nurses and truck drivers who love their lives and their families. They are happy and optimistic. They are strong and curious. Find them. Court them. Be like them. Start right now. Rather than regret who you could have been, live life as you were meant to be.As a Master of Success, you have a compelling need to stay in the action. If you are home sick for a few days, you start going stir crazy. You aren't comfortable lounging on the couch for extended periods. If you are on vacation, your body relaxes and your mind shifts into overdrive, planning. Some people can make a religion of getting a tan. This isn't who you are. Research, meditation, decision and action is your way. Enter the Master's Level of studying, practicing and teaching. The true master does not sit on her laurels waiting for others to pay homage but rather continues to study and practice and teach. Studying, practicing and teaching are the master's calling. This can be you. Start studying. Start practicing. Start teaching others, perhaps formally, perhaps informally but certainly through your example. Make that choice right now and enjoy forever a passionate purposeful spiritual life filled with prosperity and peace. Study pastry baking, on-line stock trading, portrait painting, home building, family counseling, fashion designing, muscle building, charting the stars, sailing your charter boat or anything else that excites you. Become the master; study, practice and teach. The master is content and smiles because she is doing what she wants to do. In this moment and forever, she is improving herself and helping others. Make a voluntarily commitment to become a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action. You are already making choices every day to be tough or to be weak; to be hard working or lazy; to be complacent or to be ambitious. Power comes in the moment of decision. In this moment, make that decision. Decide that your life is too important to leave to chance. Decide that you want to be the best you that you can be. Right this instant make the switch from passivity to power, from dreamer to doer. Purpose, passion, prosperity and peace await your choice. Do it for yourself, for those you love and for those who need your support. Accept that to progress, you may have to cut the ties binding you to mediocrity and stalling your progress. Old friends and relationships may not be conducive to the fulfillment of your life mission. Likewise, your current job or the place that you live may present few opportunities. If your career prospects are dim and the local economy is in the dumps, you must take charge and affect the change. Yes, procrastination though excuses and compromises may temporarily work. However, in the long run, you may have to bite the bullet, turn your back on the familiar and start fresh. This is your life journey. Sometimes, for your future and for those you love, you must make the tough choices if you ever hope to realize your success potential.
Young MastersAs a young Master of Success, the differences in attitude between you and your peers may seem slight. Without protesting, you do your homework and chores. You appreciate what you have. You take care of your possessions. You are more interested in activities like sports and scouting and earning spending money and volunteering, than you are swooning over the best looking kid at school, endlessly texting or constantly figuring out how to get high. Think for yourself. Although these positive choices may go unacknowledged or even ridiculed by an unimportant few, over time, even slight differences in attitude and performance make a huge difference in the person you become. Think for yourself.You can be successful and have fun without being an outcast. Even as a teen, you can prioritize. Busy people use time productively. You can go to band or lacrosse practice and do your homework first and then have fun social networking online. You can keep your room neat and work a small part-time job and still have time for your friends on weekends. Open your eyes and ears because it can be done and the young Masters of Success are doing it. Does anyone need to tell you right from wrong? Does anyone need to tell you who are life's winners and losers? Some young people will grow to be presidents and physicians and teachers and coaches and great parents. Some will deflate to end up as abusers with broken families. Good or bad decisions reinforce other good or bad decisions, eventually creating productive or unproductive lives. Choose to figure out how your winning peers act and choose them as friends. Choose not to be a spineless lemming following the losers over the cliff. If you are from a good home, thank God. Now, build upon your good fortune. If you are from a dysfunctional home, let this awareness of what not to do make you tough. Find the strength to rise above. If the Action Principles® speak to you, you have the potential to become a Master of Success. The Late Blooming MastersThere is no old. There is time left to change. Right now, change.You stay curious forever and as active and independent as possible. Believe in heaven and until you die, you live. Go to the heavenly transition fighting. Masters don't retire. For ninety years or the last ninety days, they have been self-reliant and continue to do what they choose to do. Improve yourself and help others. Age discrimination is a self-fulfilling prophesy for wimps. You can start and run a business. You can become an investor and buy property. You can pass on your hard learned wisdom. You can volunteer. You can cheer on your grandchildren. You can wine and dine and date and dance and travel. You can laugh and have something interesting to say. You can endorse worthy causes and pester those in power to listen. You can learn to play golf or speak a foreign language. You can get really good at bocce using a walker or earn a black belt in karate specializing in cane techniques. You can train for a marathon. Maybe you start by walking a mile a day and complete the marathon in a month. Next month, you finish your marathon in three weeks. Join a gym and start weight lifting with two pounds and increase to ten pounds. Your training regime leaves you sore. Your joints and muscle ache. This is good. Feel the burn. Pity the crabby old coot in the rocking chair. You are living on your terms. Keep earning so that you can spoil yourself. It's good for the spirit. Buy new clothes and good wine. Get a massage. If you want to try Botox, go for it. Do not moan away your days with regrets. Where you can amend wrongs, you amend the wrong and, then, you move on. For good or bad, the past is the past. Be better today and better tomorrow than today. Help those close to you who can not help themselves. Encourage the rest. You can be a positive life force even if you are in a hospital bed or a prison cell. Go HardcoreThe Hardcore Mindset is simple. It is whatever it takes. Everything counts. For all of your days, you study and work hard. Every day with every breath, you intend to keep fighting to complete your life mission. Your "all in" total commitment is a formidable asset.Whatever your background, whatever your history, from wherever you are starting, if you are blessed with a Master of Success hardcore mindset, most personal variables are irrelevant. What you lack, you'll acquire. What is beyond your ability to change, you will work around. Your mind and your attitude are your greatest assets. Accept that eighty percent of people, the vast majority, will find the Master Success System unappealing. They don't get it. They don't want to get it. The average majority runs from suggestions of extra hard work and extra sacrifice. To them, mediocrity is fair, democratic and OK. The majority wants to feel safe, protected by others. The lemmings like routine and predictability and government care. Not having to think, take blame or worry about outcomes is peaceful. This leaves a minority of twenty percent of people who are capable of understanding and implementing the Master Success System. You get it. Hardcore is difficult. It is zero nonsense. It is zero tolerance for moaning, whining and complaining. Complete the mission. You face an obstacle. You don't freeze with indecision. You take action. You figure out how to go over, under or around the obstacle. |