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Introduction How to Complete 1 Your Mastery Mindset 2 Listen To Your Own Voice 3 Believe In Yourself 4 Your Own Business 5 Knowing Is Your Edge 6 Preparing For Success 7 What Wealth Means 8 Choosing Your Challenges 9 Making the Right Move 10 Entrepreneurial Potential Conclusion |
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Lesson Three - Believe In YourselfObjectives:
Background:Stop making excuses and believe in yourself.Wouldn't it be nice if your parents could just command you to be a success? "Junior, you must be successful. That's an order!" And you thought, "OH, OK, I hadn't thought of that myself. I'll do it." What holds people back from success? Is there really such a thing as fear of success? In the world, perhaps there are a very few people who would be afraid to have a nice car, wonderful job, great house and be able to take fantastic vacations and spoil their loved ones. These poor people who are running from prosperity have real psychological problems. They need a lot more than motivational encouragement. They need professional help. So, what's holding back most people from reaching for their potential? Well, underachieving can be a very comfortable cocoon. George gets comfortable being a bus driver. He is accepted as a bus driver. You don't go up to a bus driver and ask him why he doesn't live in a $500,000 house with a swimming pool. That would be rude. The man is a bus driver. Dora is comfortable as a meat cutter. She is accepted as a meat cutter. You don't ask her why she doesn't submit her photos to magazine and newspapers. Give the lady a break. She is very good at slicing baloney. They are comfortable and accepted. They don't have to change. Who is asking them to change? What right has anyone got to pressure anyone else? Remember that with change comes risk and the very real possibility of pain and some deprivation. Before we get to major changes like starting a business or being a super salesperson or becoming a top executive, let's look at something relatively simple like losing twenty pounds. ![]() But, who wants to hear about pain and deprivations? No normal person is going to sign up for a diet that promises results but tells the truth, "As you lose the pounds, you may feel an overwhelming urge to run through your neighborhood screaming with rage. Please do not carry any type of weapon with you when you are on this diet." Honesty equals failure in the weight loss business. Frito Lay introduced a diet potato chip with a new miracle chemical called "olestra." You would lose weight eating these chips because they had one significant side effect, they might cause "spontaneous uncontrollable diarrhea." Gee, I'll take two bags of those to bring on my first date. Frito Lay told the truth and olestra chips were a failure. As Marine Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, Jack Nicholson, said in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!" Losing weight is never going to be easy for anyone on any diet. Losing weight is leaving your comfort zone. It is unpleasant. If it were easy, a lot more people would be thin. To succeed at dieting, you need a lot of will power. You must actually believe that, "No food tastes as good as being thin. I will accept the pain to be thinner." You think to yourself. "This is really unpleasant. I could be doing something very pleasant and eat a Twinkie. I can use a sugar rush right now. BUT INSTEAD I WILL GO TO MY ROOM AND SCREAM INTO A PILLOW. I will persevere. I will be thin." Now, losing weight can be a piece of cake compared to making other major life decisions like starting a business. Are you ready to risk that $30,000 you sacrificed to save dollar by dollar? Are you ready to borrow another borrowed $20,000? Again, immediate gratification battles possible long-term reward. There will always be that little devil on your shoulder telling you that you don't have to do this. You could forget starting the business and take all that $30,000 and buy a tricked out truck. You could do lots of good things with $30,000. Anyway, aren't the odds for surviving more than one year in business 50/50? Why take the risk? Most people find an acceptable reason for being safe, for example, "I want to be safe." This sounds perfectly normal and reasonable. Others will agree. No one will blame you.
Did anyone call you a loser yesterday? Of course not. So relax; no one is going to push you to excel today or tomorrow either. A few extra bucks would be nice so you think about asking for a promotion at work. Yes, you qualify for the promotion but there is a steep downside. You'll have to move. You'll have to work for a new district manager with a reputation as a jerk. Your spouse and kids will cry. "Daddy, we can't move, I just made the Little League team." Why put up with the hassle when your present job isn't so bad? Forget the promotion. When you look at weaker people who give up or stop trying or never try at all, they may have very legitimate reasons for not seeking a promotion, not starting a business or not losing twenty pounds. Who is to say? If they don't care, why should anyone else care? Why do you want to leave your comfort zone and put yourself in the path of pain, deprivation and possible ridicule? Why do you only think about yourself? What about what your spouse and kids want? Why not use others as the basis for your excuses? Because, you aren't a lazy wimp and there may not be any other way to get to where you want to go except by working hard and taking a few risks. If you look for excuses, there will always be tons of excuses: Don't start the diet. Don't start your own business. Don't ask for the promotion. Do nothing and you can't fail. Work as a clerk at Home Depot. Work for your cousin's landscaping business. Work as a janitor at the town library. There is nothing wrong with these jobs if you are willing to settle for them. Somebody is going to be the business owner, somebody is going to be the general manager and somebody is going to the clerk. If you say that you're happy as the clerk, everyone else will just nod, shrug and go about his or her own life.
You can be on Coronado Beach in Southern California getting a tan or becoming a Navy Seal. You choose. You can spend night after night on your coach watching reruns of Mixed Martial Arts matches or you can get to the dojo and become a black belt. You choose. You must play the Devil's Advocate with yourself. You must test and question your own commitment. With a lot of time and money at risk, once you begin, your commitment must be 100%. ![]() Whose pictures hang in the museums? Somebody does. Who lives in that beautiful mansion on the ocean? Somebody does. Who will make a zillion dollars figuring out e-commerce? Somebody does. Maybe, if you're George, you've got to stop the bus and get off? Maybe, you've got to say, "Enough, I want more from my life than this." Maybe, if you're Dora, you've got to turn off the slicing machine and walk out the front door? Maybe, you've got to say, "My boss is a moronic jackass and I've got to get out of here before this whole place goes to hell in a hand basket." Don't look back. Look forward.
Characteristics of a Master EntrepreneurAs an Action Principles® Champion, you possess many of the characteristics associated with successful entrepreneurship. There is a short list here and later you will learn much more as you complete the Master Success Courses.
20 DistinguishingCharacteristics of an Action Principles® Champion
Story:Romano's Homestyle PizzaKevin Romano is 27. After high school, he joined the Marines and spent most of that time on Embassy duty in Japan. Returning to his hometown and for the last six years, he has been working at a large discount department store. In those six years, he has risen to become assistant manager of the hardware department. He makes $700 a week and takes home about $485 after deductions. Kevin shares a two-bedroom apartment with a roommate. He goes out two or three nights a week. Kevin lives well enough for an average Gen Xer.![]() BUT, Kevin "Once a Marine, always a Marine" hates average. For some time, Kevin has had this gnawing feeling that he is going nowhere fast. It isn't difficult for Kevin to predict his own future. There are plenty of role models at the department store - clones of himself only 10, 20, or 30 years older. He can see another 35 years doing just what he's doing now. "Ma'am, please ask your son not to be play around that table saws!" "I'm sorry but I don't know if someone named Philip invented the Phillips head screwdriver." "Yes, we really do have 16 different shades of off-white paint." "I'm not arguing, Sir, I believe you. If you wanted to drive 31 miles down Route 9, you might find a similar ladder for $6 less at Home Depot." This was yesterday at work. This is today at work. This will be tomorrow at work. In one defining moment, Kevin realizes that this is not how he wants to spend every day of the rest of his working life. The big earners at Kevin's store make about $850 a week including overtime, commissions, bonuses, and take home around $615. On average, each of Kevin's co-workers has a working spouse who will bring in another $400 a week. From these joint paychecks, these couples have to make and adhere to a family budget. Out of the budget comes the cost of raising the kids, the mortgage, two car payments, food, clothing, cable, cell phone, entertainment and much, much, much more - bills, bills, bills, bills. Do average people have anything left over for investing? Are you kidding? Fortunately for Kevin, he can see all of this. He can see a steady paycheck for years into the future if he is willing to just shut up and mope along with the routine. Kevin can see that doing a good job at the store will yield modest raises and modest promotions over the next 30 to 40 years. Of course, the smooth path of Kevin's ordinary life presumes that over the course of the next 40 years, he doesn't make any of the local bosses angry, or that the big bosses don't decide that the way to increase shareholder value is to downsize the company or that the company decides to get out of the hardware business. Alert and aware, Kevin knows that he hasn't gone so far down into the middle class corporate rut that he can't see a world beyond the front doors of the department store.
There is a world beyond those doors filled with extraordinary possibilities offering extraordinary rewards. A lot of people will say they want what Kevin wants. To them, it will be lip service. If only... But, Kevin is different. Kevin is going to do something about his future. Kevin Chooses a BusinessKevin has a background in retailing. However, instead of becoming a salesman, Kevin decides to open a pizza shop. Kevin has always had a feeling, maybe it is his Italian heritage. Who knew that he'd be good at running a pizza shop?As you follow Kevin's story through the next several lessons, you will see his situation progress from selling pizza - a way to make a living - to selling pizza shops - a way to get rich, - to franchising pizza shops - a way to make a fortune. Jargon:Lifestyle Way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of an individual or a culture. Operational Limitations:Be careful because it is easy to find people who will complicate your opportunities, put doubt in your mind and give you excuses for inaction.People who are going nowhere are always eager to have you join them and validate their poor decisions. Many low level jobs can lull you into complacency with a steady paycheck and with zero pressure to perform at an elite level. Beware those who try to stereotype you, for good or bad, for any reason. They don't know you. Know thyself. Know thyself as a tough, thoughtful, spiritual man or woman of action. Questions and AnswersI'd like to start a package delivery and courier business. I may be an anomaly but I love the Action Principles® but I am a quieter person and would not feel comfortable blowing my own horn. What can I do?Don't worry. You don't have to organize a brass band or wear a clown suit to be successful. Quiet but effective can be good. The best advertising isn't going to come from your horn, but from the testimonials of your satisfied customers. Let others sing your praises. Chances are that from your military experience, you have some amusing anecdotes. Write an article yourself or call your local newspaper and ask for a reporter to interview you. You are probably an expert on driving and traffic. Is there a story there? Can you offer any driving tips? Can you tell readers why the fax machine and email have not made your business obsolete? Why would anyone want to sell a solid profitable business? A business is a means to an end. The end is a good week's pay. It's vacations and cars and education. It's a comfortable retirement. If your business was worth $100,000 and someone offered you $150,000, would you sell? Why would the buyer buy? Probably because the business is established and profitable. Perhaps you have the skills of starting, building, and operating businesses, but the buyer doesn't. The buyer doesn't want to take a risk but rather wants to purchase a turnkey operation ready to run. If you can make a fast fifty thousand dollars, can't you take this premium offer and start the same business again elsewhere? As you follow the advice in the Master Small Business Course, you will challenged to improve your business, to learn more about your business, to become more of an expert. Many people will spend years building a business and yet have no real idea of its market value. You will be different. Action Plan:If you were Dora or George, how would you have reacted?Define "no pain - no gain." Explain immediate gratification versus long-term reward. Within your own circle, identify people who are underachieving and settling for less. List people whom you admire. They can be real people or fictional characters. What characteristics do you admire? Identify specific people who have done what you want to do. How can you meet them? When you meet them, what will you ask them? From the list of characteristics of an Action Principles® Champion, check off areas where you need improvement. Seeds for thought:
Inspirational Insights:When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.Ralph Waldo Emerson Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing, it was here first. Mark Twain Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. Harry Truman A warrior takes his lot, whatever it may be, and accepts it in ultimate humbleness. He accepts in humbleness what he is, not as grounds for regret but as a living challenge. Carlos Castenada Here is the prime condition of success: Concentrate your energy, thought and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun on one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it. Andrew Carnegie Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way. Aristotle There are people who have money and people who are rich. Coco Chanel Again and again, the impossible decision is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made. Dr. Robert Schuller Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. Eliot The Way of the warrior does not include other ways, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, certain traditions, artistic accomplishments, and dancing. But even though these are not part of the Way, if you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything. Miyamoto Musashi We're a peaceful nation. Yet, as we have learned, so suddenly and so tragically, there can be no peace in a world of sudden terror. In the face of today's new threat, the only way to pursue peace is to pursue those who threaten it. George W. Bush Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make me feel important." Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life. Mary Kay Ash The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want. Ben Stein Support: