22. Choose Your Friends Carefully |
We have established that the greatest threat to you is you. The second greatest threat to you is your friends and associates.
Most people are remarkably like those they choose to hang around with. Tough, rich, smart or stupid, chances are you are a lot like your friends.
You go out to a club with an airhead girlfriend who wants you to be wingman while she flirts with a rough character and she wants you to hook up with his equally undesirable buddy.
You chose your roommate but now find that her boyfriend is a leering creep.
Because you are responsible, your co-workers ask you to be the designated driver as everyone else parties and gets blotto.
Your brother has a screw loose but is still happy to tease you for not going bungee jumping with him.
When your family and friends exhibit poor self-control and judgment, be extra careful and protect your own interests. You are under no obligation to be as reckless and dumb as they are. Very simply, be independent, be smart and be tough enough to say, "No."
Defensively, you protect yourself; offensively, you win.