23. Be Safe While Travelling |
Whenever you are traveling to a new destination, take the time to generally familiarize yourself with good and bad areas. Use the Internet as your research tool. Learn about transportation and lodging options. If you feel threatened, go into a store or hail a cab. Never hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers. Follow local customs.
Think from a predator's perspective. See all the tourists who seem confused. Many are walking around with their maps and cameras in a dazed stupor. These yokels mark themselves as easy targets.
You are always alert and aware. Wherever you are, walk with purpose and confidence. Pack lightly. Do not carry large sums of money. Carry your wallet in a front pants pocket or wear a money belt or a travel jacket with a zipper pocket. Credit cards are now accepted around the world. ATMs are everywhere.
Stay out of hotel stairwells except in an emergency. Don't get on an elevator if you don't like the looks of the other passenger(s). Drop the political correctness. Don't argue religion or politics or anything else with people you don't know.
Before you leave home, cancel mail, newspaper and other automatic deliveries that signal your absence.
You will rise or fall to the level of your commitment and training.