24. Be Safe on the Street |
From a security perspective, forget fashion. Bling is not good. Wear running shoes and clothing that allows you to move. Walk with purpose.
Keep your distance. Most assaults happen in close, suddenly and with force.
Avoid confrontation. Cross the street. Duck into a store. Hail a cab. If you are in danger, break store or car windows, pull fire alarms, run into the middle of the street and stop traffic. Better to appear the fool then to get hurt. You shouldn't scream, "Fire" in a crowded theater but do so on the street. Scream, "Help, I don't know this person." Yes, you want a Good Samaritan to intervene.
Give up the money and jewelry. If you typically walk through questionable areas, have a spare wallet with a few dollars and useless cards to give to a mugger. Or, have ten dollars in ones ready to toss on the ground and while he scrounges, you run.
If you are grabbed from behind, stomp your heel into the arch to the attacker's foot. Drive your elbows into his ribcage. Slam your head back into his nose. Hammer fist his groin and kick your heel up into his groin. Scream. Think tiger. Bite down on any part of him that you can reach with your teeth. Grab handfuls of fat and twist. When you break free, claw or poke at his eyes and escape. If you carry a weapon, now is the time to use it.
Would you prefer to be judged by twelve or carried by six?