25. Be Safe at School |
Most school violence problems are parental and societal problems way beyond your ability to influence.
The parents of violent school children are usually uninvolved or loaded with problems themselves. Many will be quick to finger point and refuse to support the counseling and disciplining of their troubled children. Poor parents follow a pattern of ignoring their children, then threatening them and finally appeasing them. Bad teachers and administrators follow the same pattern of ignoring, threatening and appeasing.
Your options to choose schools and teachers and principals may be limited. The most prudent option is to bring up your children with solid values and help them to recognize and avoid bad kids.
Effective parents are loving but strict. Talk to your kids about school. Hold age appropriate conversations with your children about their behavior in school and the proper reaction to inappropriate behavior among their peers. Teach your children to be alert and aware and unafraid to report suspicions and incidents of bullying to you and authorities. Confident parents raise confident children who aren't afraid to discuss school problems, openly and frankly.
Fast as the wind, quiet as the forest, aggressive as fire, and immovable as a mountain.