28. Be Safe Online |
We live in a marvelous world of technology. Information flows at the speed of light. We have access to everyone and everything. And there lies the opportunity and the problem. A lot about us is wide open.
Install a firewall on your home computer to prevent hackers from obtaining personal identification and financial data from your hard drive. Install and update virus protection software.
Add password protection to any files that contain personal or financial information. Change passwords often. Do not open any email if you are unfamiliar with the sender. Be alert to the fact that file-sharing and file-swapping programs may expose your computer to illegitimate access by hackers. Before tossing an old computer, remove the hard drive.
If you have a personal website or post your information on sites, such as Facebook, be aware of the words and pictures you're posting. As part of the hiring process, many human resource departments will Google your name to see if anything interesting pops up.
Remind your children that while the Internet is a wonderful tool that there can also be danger in activities, such as chatting with strangers online. Teach your children to trust their instincts and not be afraid to be rude to strangers and say, "NO."
"Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action."
Thomas Mann