27. Be Safe at Home |
The most important home security rule is to live in a nice neighborhood. If you are in an area where you see graffiti, abandoned cars, check cashing stores and pawnshops, don't move there. Make money. Live in a nicer area. Second is to make your property look occupied and well maintained. Third, you'll want to have good neighbors who will call 911 if they see anything suspicious.
Don't open the door to strangers. Do not believe hard luck stories. Be suspicious of anyone who claims to need access to your home. Identities are easy to forge. Keep him outside while you call and verify. This includes municipal workers, package delivery drivers, those performing surveys and volunteers collecting for charity. If you live in a multi-family, never buzz in anyone you don't know and be careful of anyone attempting to rush in behind you.
Be careful of accepting or opening unidentified packages.
The average criminal is looking for the easy score and not a confrontation. Keep doors and windows locked. Stay vigilant. In nearly half of all residential burglaries, thieves simply enter through unlocked doors or windows. Mark all belongings with an engraving pen and post warnings that property is marked. Burglary alarms are a good investment, if you use them. Big, noisy dogs also make excellent burglar alarms. Outdoor lighting is important. Keeping shrubs trimmed is important.
If an intruder enters your house at night, do not confront him. Let him take what he wants and leave. Go to your children and stay with them. Call 911. Arm yourself. If you see the intruder or his vehicle, try to remember details for the police.
Devise a reasonable family security plan with safe exit routes. Make sure all members of the family clearly understand what to do in case of an emergency. Your local fire and police departments may offer home security inspections. Security is rarely convenient.
Never tell anyone that you'll be home alone. Always lock your home and take the key with you. Have your key ready for quick entry into your residence. When you get home, if you find a door or window open or signs of forced entry, don't enter. Call the police.
It is the strong, the winners, who can forgive.