Conclusion |
Following the Action Principles®, you are a principled person. You are a personal peace advocate. You want to be left alone to love and enjoy the fruits of your hard work with family and friends.
You are a realist devoid of wishful thinking. There are bad people and bad luck.
You accept your responsibility to restore your personal peace. There are no pat answers to self-defense. In one instance, you might react like a wild person and in another you might be best served to appear bored and indifferent. The right option might be to walk away or to come out shooting.
You commit to yourself and to those you love that you will do all that you can do given the circumstances, which may be good or bad. You will not slink away. You will stand. Within this survivalist mindset, regardless of the outcome, you will minimize the victimization and the post-traumatic aftermath.
You are a tough, mindful person of action.
Stay alert and aware and safe.