35. Stay in Good Shape |
You want to be able to run away fast. You want to punch and kick with force. How about turning over a table to block an attack, throwing a lamp or pulling over a bookcase? You want to be able to explode with all sorts of physical maneuvers both offensively and defensively. You want to be able to react immediately and decisively without thinking twice. You want a potential attacker to see you and think twice.
Forget the huffing and puffing through life, until your last day. Every day, you need to do all you can to stay in shape.
You know that your presence is important. To the outside world and especially to those who might wish you ill, you want to look strong and relaxed. Under circumstance in which others might wilt, again, you train to maintain an unfazed and expressionless almost bored demeanor, thus projecting an air of confidence.
Get regular check-ups and eat properly. Go to the gym or do aerobics in your bedroom. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, jumping jacks and jumping rope are all good. Get up and walk around the block. It is all good and physical fitness is a usual component of both stress reduction and mental toughness.
In the cold dark of the rainy night, be afraid. We will be there.
Navy Seals